Frequently asked questions

Do I need to login to start shopping?

Yes, you will need to login (or register as a new customer if you have never bought from us before) to complete your purchase.

However we do encourage you to login first before you start shopping for our great bargains.

How do I find out when a product you’ve sold out of is back in stock?

Click into the product and leave your email address to be notified when it’s back in stock….often this will only take a couple of days.

A product you used to have listed is no longer on your website, what happened?

This means we either it’s no longer available or we can’t get a date when it will be away again so we’ve removed it to stop the website getting cluttered with ‘out of stock’ products.

This all comes down to deals. Sometimes we can source products cheaper direct from suppliers overseas than we can from New Zealand distributors and we pass the savings onto our customers. So hence you’ll sometimes see prices that don’t make sense but it all comes down to what deals are available at the time.