Chumchurum Soju Apple
A soju-based cocktail with added natural fruit juice. This liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity
Chumchurum Soju Blueberry
A soju-based cocktail with added natural fruit juice. This liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity
Chumchurum Soju Citron
A soju-based cocktail with added natural fruit juice. This liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity
Chumchurum Soju Green Grapes
Soju Green Grapes, liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity among liquor lovers. Needless to say,
Chumchurum Soju Peach
Peach Soju, liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity among liquor lovers. Needless to say, water,
Chumchurum Soju Yogurt
Soju Yogurt, This liquor made with alkaline water has brought a whirlwind of popularity among liquor lovers. Needless to say,
Ciroc 1 litre
Unlike most other vodkas, which are made from grain, Ciroc Ultra-Premium Vodka is crafted from fine, succulent French grapes, distilled a fifth time at the Distillerie de Chevanceaux in southwest France. Historically, vodka has been made from a natural local source of fermentable sugars and starches - but Ciroc is an innovation in French craftsmanship, resulting in an unexpectedly fresh vodka experience. Unlike grain-based vodka, Ciroc Vodka blends traditional techniques with contemporary processes to create a spirit of exceptional quality and taste.
Alcohol Vol 40%
Ciroc Apple 700ml
"A delightfully sweet addition to the Ciroc range, unveiled in late 2015. Top quality vodka made with French grapes that are harvested when frozen, distilled 5 times and this time it's been flavoured with apple.
Tasting Note - Elegant and crisp, with refreshing notes of green apple all the way through.
37.5% Alc
Ciroc Coconut 700ml
Ciroc Coconut. Welcome to the world of Ciroc where the jet-set mingle with stylish sophisticates in the hotspots where next
Ciroc Red Berry 700ml
"Ciroc Red Berry is one of the first flavour-infused varietals from the makers of Ciroc Ultra-Premium Vodka. Distilled five times to ensure high quality, the spirit is masterfully infused with raspberry, strawberry and other natural flavors, resulting in a taste experience that is lusciously different and elegantly smooth. The resulting balance of luscious, berry-infused flavor is perfectly highlighted in the Ciroc Cosmo Martini."
Ciroc Vodka 700ml
Unlike most other vodkas, which are made from grain, Ciroc Ultra-Premium Vodka is crafted from fine, succulent French grapes, distilled a fifth time at the Distillerie de Chevanceaux in southwest France. Historically, vodka has been made from a natural local source of fermentable sugars and starches - but Ciroc is an innovation in French craftsmanship, resulting in an unexpectedly fresh vodka experience. Unlike grain-based vodka, Ciroc Vodka blends traditional techniques with contemporary processes to create a spirit of exceptional quality and taste. Alcohol Vol 40% (this product is un-boxed)
Citadelle Gin 700ml
Citadelle Gin, French brand of Gin that was first released in the late 80s. It is produced by Maison Ferrand