Gin Mare Gin 700ml
“Gin Mare is created using Mediterranean crafts and time, in order to obtain an exceptional gin: from a premium barley
Glayva Liqueur 700ml
The spirit is created from an exotic fusion of the finest aged Scotch malt whiskys, a carefully selected range of spices, Mediterranean tangerines, cinnamon, almonds and honey. Very distinctive and pleasant taste. Surprisingly smooth and sweet, with a hint of cinnamon and spices, it really tastes like nothing else!
Alc 35%
Liqueur Range
Glen Elgin 12yrs 700ml
Glen Elgin 12yo is a top-quality malt, highly sought-after for blends. This is a little-seen single malt expression. Glen Elgin
Glen Garioch 12YO 700ml
Introduced to Glen Garioch's standard range in late 2010, this 12yo is a mix of ex-bourbon and sherry casks, and like the other distillery bottlings since the revamp, has been bottled at a feisty 48%. A real charmer.
Whiskey Range
Glen Grant The Major Reserve 1000ml
Inspired by James 'The Major? Grant, this easy drinking single malt is the most fresh and light of the Glen Grant range. Creamy and fruity on the palate it has a slightly dry, nutty finish.
Appearance: Light, golden colour
Bouquet: Soft, slightly dry with a delicate apple/fruity note
Palate: Creamy, fruity
Finish: Slightly dry, nutty
Whisky style: Rich, smooth, fruity Single Malt whisky with a hint of spice
Cask type: Matures in Bourbon casks
Distillery: Glen Grant Distillery, Rothes, Morayshire, Speyside
40% Alc
Glen Moray 12yrs 700ml
Glen Moray is a classic Speyside single malt whisky owned by Glenmorangie. Glen Moray is a quality malt whisky from
Glen Moray 18YO 700ml
An 18 year old single from Glen Moray's Elgin Heritage range, which is all about approachable, accessible and easily enjoyable whiskies. This particular expression is drawn from first-fill American oak barrels, imparting plenty of vanilla-y tastiness...
Nose: Juicy apricot and yellow plum, with a glaze of honey.
Palate: Earthy vanilla arrives first, shortly followed by hints of lavender and sultanas.
Finish: Lingering notes of ginger and cinnamon.
Alcohol Vol. 47.2%
Glen Moray Peated Singlemalt 700ml
Glen Moray, The intense and subtly-smoked expression of our Classic Single Malt, this is the perfect easy-drinking introduction to peated
Glen Moray Port Cask 700ml
Light Gold. NOSE: First impressions are of toasted vanilla and subtle hints of oak. Aromas of rich dried fruits and
Glendronach 12year old 700ml
The GlenDronach distillery in the Forgue valley in Aberdeenshire is named after the source of its water, the Dronach burn.
Glenfarclas 105 Cask 1000ml
Glenfarclas 105 Cask, Colour: Deep peaty-gold. Liqueur range
Glenfarclas 10yrs 700ml
Many have wondered at the origins of the unique taste of Glenfarclas. Some believe the secret lies in the tumbling