Pepe Lopez Gold Tequila 700ml
"Produced at La Mexicana Distillery in Tequila, Mexico, Pepe Lopez Gold is made from a combination of natural spring water and the highest quality, mature blue agave plants.
The fermented juice of the agave is then double distilled to ensure its appealing flavor. Pepe Lopez Gold is light amber with a spicy citrus taste; the key ingredient for the perfect margarita."
37.1% Alc
Pepe Lopez Silver 700ml
Tequila from Default Region, Mexico. A sparklingly clear Mexican tequila offering a fresh lime and agave taste, this is made from natural spring water and high quality, mature blue agave plants. Double distilled.
Pernod 700ml
In 1805, Henri-Louis Pernod first created what became the most celebrated spirit on the cafe terraces of 19th century Paris. The secret of Pernod's unique taste is well guarded, its flavour being derived from a distillation of star anise with aromatic plants and herbs. Pernod, as a spirit full of character, creates a unqiue long drink experience by adding its originality to the mixer of your choice. Keep bottle at room temperature.
Alcohol Vol 40%
Liqueur Range
Pimms No. 1 700ml
Bittersweet, orangey, herbal and mildly bitter with camomile, star anise, dark liquorice, chocolate and rootyness.
Alc 25%
Liqueur Range
Pinnacle Cherry Whipped 1litre
Pinnacle Cherry, France- Handcrafted in small batches and quadruple distilled with spring water from the Southwest region of France, this
Pinnacle Citrus 700ml
Pinnacle Citrus, We’ve managed to take the zesty mist from peeling fresh citrus and bottle it. Splash this refreshing citrus
Pinnacle Cookie Dough 700ml
Pinnacle Cookie Dough, With gooey vanilla batter and hints of sweet chocolate chips baked in, this vodka lets you lick
Pinnacle Kiwi Strawberry 750ml
Pinnacle Strawberry, France- Handcrafted in small batches and quadruple distilled with spring water from the Southwest region of France, this
Pinnacle Strawberry Shortcake vodka
Strawberry Shortcake vodka is the latest release from Pinnacle Vodka, the fast-growing premium vodka brand known for their innovative flavors.
plantation barbodes 2005 rum 700ml
A molasses rum from Barbados, produced from both pot and column stills at the West Indies Rum Distillery in 2005.
Plantation Pineapple Rum 700ml
A rich and delicious bouquet, accented by smoky notes and aromas of tropical fruit, pineapple, citrus peel, and a touch
Plantation Rum Barbados 5YO 700ml
“A recent addition to the Plantation line of rums, this Barbados 5yo is packaged in a dumpier bottle, and with