Proper Twelve Irish Whiskey 700ml
MMA champion Conor McGregor has launched his own Irish whiskey label.
Introducing Conor McGregor's own brand of Irish Whiskey. Distilled, aged, & bottled in Ireland, Proper No. Twelve is smooth and balanced with a fine blend of golden grain and full flavored malted barley. It's aged a minimum of three years in bourbon barrel and offers hints of vanilla, honey-like sweetness and toasted wood. A proper salute to all, Proper No. Twelve pays homage to the founder, Conor McGregor, and his neighborhood of Crumlin, Dublin 12. It embodies their shared spirit of brotherhood, loyalty, and hard work.
Proper No. Twelve's global launch expression is a blend of the finest golden grain and single malt. It is produced in an area known for its rich soil and pure spring water. Proper No. Twelve is complex and sophisticated yet smooth and approachable with hints of vanilla, honey and toasted wood.
40% alc
Pussers Rum 700ml
Pussers Rum , Today’s Pusser’s Rum, known as “the single malt of rum” is still produced in exact accordance with
pyrat xo reserve 700ml
pyrat xo, Orange and grapefruit marmalade aromas; medium-bodied with tangy flavours of citrus peel and dark honey. Finishes with spice
Quick brown Fox
Quick Brown Fox is a coffee liqueur, hand crafted from organic coffee with a clever hint of cinnamon in its
Ratu Signature 8YO 700ml
8 years old (minimum)
100% column still rum
Aged in charred ex-bourbon American oak casks and finished with mocha oak chips
Filtered through coconut shell carbon
35% ABV
Rum Range
Rebellion Bay Spiced 700ml
A perfect mix with premium cola, Rebellion Bay Spiced Rum premix is naturally smooth with notes of vanilla and smoky
Redbreast 12YO 700ml
Redbreast is a beautifully balanced pure pot still Irish Whiskey, with a warm, generous texture, rich, sweet flavours and a spicy kick. In the view of many connoisseurs, the finest Irish whiskey available. Picked up the top prize in its category at the World Whisky Awards 2010 and was named as Irish Whiskey of the year by Jim Murray in the Whisky Bible 2010, with a score of 96 points.
Nose: A complex, spicy and fruity aroma with toasted wood notes evident.
Taste: Full flavoured and complex, a harmonious balance of spicy, creamy, fruity, sherry and toasted notes.
Finish: Satisfyingly long, the complex flavours linger on the palate.
Alcohol Vol 40%
Whiskey Range
Redbreast 15YO 700ml
"A sumptuous single pot still whiskey with a great degree of ageing, Redbreast 15 is richer, earthier and stronger than its 12 year old sibling. An essential part of any whiskey-drinker's education."
Alc 46%
Whiskey Range
Remy Martin VSOP 700ml
“R?my Martin VSOP embodies the perfect harmony of powerful and elegant aromas. It is the symbol of the Cellar Master?s
Ricard 700ml
Ricard was born in sunny Marseille back in 1932. This liqueur has an anise smell with a fine liquorice note.
Roberto Cavalli Vodka 1000ml
"Roberto Cavalli Vodka is a flavour masterpiece. Sophisticated, elegant and designed to please even the most demanding palate, this vodka was born of tradition and ages-old Italian distilling excellence. The result is a very clean, unique flavour with neutral aromas and just the slightest hint of cream and lemon zest. It goes into the mouth sweet, soft and well-balanced, a prelude to a dry, crystalline flavour. Its medium-full body unveils a delicate bouquet of sweet cream and spices that come together in a long creamy finish.
NOSE Clean and genuine aroma with a soft echo of citrus.
PALATE - Sweet, soft and well-balanced, with a fine, silky elegance
AFTERTASTE - Long and soft, with a minerality that gradually fades away."
Alc 40%
Roku Gin 750ml
The first gin from Japan’s legendary Suntory Roku Gin. This expression is made using a selection of botanicals, including six