Kopke Tawny Port 750ml
750ml recognized as the first and oldest Port house in Port wine history, celebrating their 379th year of continuous production. - They still stencil the lettering by hand like they did in the 1600’s! Fine Tawny - Bright plum and cherry fruit in a fresh, young ruby Port, a real crowd pleaser. 19.5% Alc
kraken Black Spiced rum700ml
The Kraken is imported rum from the Caribbean blended with natural flavours. Named for a sea beast of myth and
Kronenbourg 7.2% 24x500ml cans
Kronenbourg 7.2 Blonde Intense is a premium beer that combines the sweetness of malt and the intensity of fruits. The beer's dominant aromas of fruit and malt, completed by notes of red fruit give it a very full-bodied beer taste.
Kujira 12 Year Ryukyu Whisky
Founded in 1952, Kumesen Syuzo started on distilling alcoholic beverages, unique to Okinawa islands of Japan, also known as Ryuku islands. Then around 1989, this innovative distillery started to age them in oak barrels, creating a unique kind of ji-whisky in its own category, thus named it the Ryukyu Whisky. With 20 years maturing in bourbon casks, Kujira as a single grain whisky provides a wonderful taste profile that has distinguished itself from its malt counterparts and creates a refreshing choice for spirits lovers.
Tasting Notes:
- Nose: Herbs, various plum fruits hint, prune, mint candy.
- Palate: Balanced light body, sweet, vanilla, spice, smoky woodiness.
- Finish: Japanese pepper, medium finish
- Age: 20 years
Kumeu Village Chardonnay
Made by Master of Wine Michael Brajkovich from sustainably grown Pinot Gris grapes that are hand-harvested and sorted in our
Kumeu Village Pinot Gris
Made by Master of Wine Michael Brajkovich from sustainably grown Pinot Gris grapes that are hand-harvested and sorted in our
Kumeu Village Pinot Noir
In April 2017 we took possession of a vineyard at Rays Road in Hawkes Bay that was already planted with
Kurayoshi 12YO Malt Whisky 700ml
The nose is pleasant enough. Lots of sweetness in the guise of caramel, baked apples, stewed pears and some honey,
Kurayoshi 18YO 700ml
Complex and depth in taste by allowing it to mature for more than 18 years. Deep flavor in the short
Kurayoshi 8YO Malt Whisky 700ml
COLOUR: Amber NOSE: Sweet aroma of the recent seasoning sherry system. Green raisin, a sweetness reminiscent of cake syrup, malt
Kurayoshi Pure Malt Whisky 700ml
The Kurayoshi Pure Malt Whisky is a boutique Japanese whisky produced by the Kurayoshi distillery. Located in Tottori, a coastal
Lagavulin 10yrs 700ml
Lagavulin has released a new 10 Year Old expression, a permanent addition to the Islay distillery’s core range, exclusive to